The Schiedsstellen des Zentralverbands Deutsches Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe e.V.
Arbitration boards of Central Association of the German Automotive Industry
(Arbitration boards of Central Association of the German Automotive Industry)
Approximately 130 arbitration boards handle disputes between consumers and car dealers, which are members of the association. There is one condition: the dispute must concern a repair or a second-hand car purchase.
Practical tips:
- The right arbitration board is based in the region of the car dealer.
- Complaints must be filed in written form within fixed time limits.
Binding decisions: Decisions are binding for car dealers while they are voluntary for consumers.
Franz-Lohe-Str. 21
53129 Bonn
Phone: +49228/91270
The Schiedsstelle des Bundesverbands freier KFZ-Händler e.V. (BvfK-Schiedsstelle)
Arbitration board of the Federal Association of Independent Car Retailers
(Arbitration board of the Federal Association of Independent Car Retailers)
The arbitration board handles disputes concerning car purchases as well as car repairs between a consumer and a trader if the latter is a member of the association.
If no amicable solution is found, consumers and traders can transfer the case to an arbitration court that will issue a binding decision.
Practical tip: Do not hesitate to ask the arbitration board if your car dealer is associated to it.
Bundeskanzlerplatz / Reuterstrasse 241
53113 Bonn
Phone.: +49 228 / 85 40 90
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